I am a Boomer Blogger- in other words-a Senior Citizen who loves to travel but am not ready for hard beds or Extreme adventure. Thinking there might be others like me who would like tips on easier travel, especially if mobility issues are involved, I decided to do a blog for us.
Born and raised as an Army brat, life was full of travel. I did not know we did not have a lot of money, I just thought the world was a giant school and I should learn all that school had to offer. Learning to appreciate the people and experiences served me well.
Becoming a professor and Dean of Business it seemed so important that the curriculum includes study tours to destinations near and far. Many students had never been out of the state they lived in and going abroad caused great anxiety. This was to often be followed by, wow, when can we go again? Unleashing the traveling monster within was great fun and great education.
Upon retirement, a new aspect of travel became evident. My husband had Parkinson’s and several accommodations had to be made so he could continue to enjoy his journeys.Mobility issues and fatigue concerns needed to be addressed.I hope to share insights and practical thoughts on making your journey easier too.
Now I am traveling solo and that has its own challenges. Hopefully, you will see yourself in some of my travel pictures, imagine how great it will be to be “On the Road Again” like Willie Nelson or at sea where a ship should be! Let’s keep moving, learning, sharing and enjoying this fabulous world.